The Spring fishing season here in Brigantine, NJ aboard Babu III has been amazing for catching sea bass in the ocean, very good for catching large blue shark, good for catching bay fluke, good for catching small striper on top-water plugs aboard our 19’ boat, but poor for catching keeper size striper. The large bluefish made a very brief showing, but the weather made getting out to catch them almost impossible.

We are now going into a transition period. School is ending for students, and vacationers will be coming to the beach to enjoy the sun, beach, and a little fishing. There are only a couple weeks remaining for the 10 fish sea bass limit. The season ends June 22nd, and reopens July 1st with a 2 fish limit. Fluke will be more plentiful, but smaller, and they will start to move into the ocean by late June or early July. The weather will improve, but the flies will be biting more. The ocean will be much calmer than it is in the spring.

With the calmer weather and warm temperatures the ocean becomes the place to be. As the ocean waters warm some southern species of fish will migrate into the area. By late July, the ocean water temperatures are usually in the low 70’s, and by August the high 70’s. Frequently, in August, we have dolphin (mahi-mahi) relatively near (10 miles), Spanish mackerel, bonito, and of course, shark.

The shark that will be swimming in the summer inshore waters include sandbar (brown), sand tiger, dusky, thresher, and further out tiger, and hammerhead. We do not keep any of the sharks, and do not remove them from the water. They are all released, revived, and set free for someone else to enjoy these beautiful creatures.

On August 1st, the tautog season opens again, but only with a 1 fish limit. Sea bass will close August 31st.