
During the summer months there are a number of Shark Species that show up off the New Jersey shore. The most prominent species are the Blue Shark, Threasure Shark, and the Mako Shark.
To fish for Shark we need to go offshore to them. Once we get to the area where we are going to fish we set of a chum slick of dead fish to attrack the sharks in.
We really have no idea who will be coming to the party, is it going to be a 300 pound blue shark or a 700 pound Mako?
In most cases we will release what we catch, but from time to time we will keep a shark to eat. Because sharks are made up of muscle and cartilage so you get a lot of fillets and steaks off of even the smallest shark.
Sharks have to be of legal length to keep. Ask your captain about the current regulation msg Since they can change by season or vary by species.
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